Almost 4 months old!

Hard to believe that Oscar is only a couple weeks away from being 4 months old!  

He's officially out of newborn size diapers (after a few blowouts we figured out they were too small!), and we've begun the adventure of cloth diapering.  He has also outgrown his bassinet and the newborn insert in the car seat.  He's growing so fast!  I also don't need the nursing pillow anymore, I can set him on my lap and he reaches just fine.  

He loves using his legs, and can stand up on his own with someone holding him for balance.  He is also starting to reach and touch things with his hands (on purpose now, haha).  He also loves to put things he grabs into his mouth (uh-oh!)!  Perhaps its because he's starting to teeth a little bit!

Sandy only has three weeks left before she has to go back to work.  Hard to believe that the 18 weeks of maternity leave are almost over!